
6 Things to Do When Locked Out of Your Office

Locked Out of Your Office

Uh oh, it looks like you’ve locked yourself out of the office! Don’t worry; it happens to the best of us. Instead of panicking and trying to break down the door (let’s avoid any lawsuits, shall we?), why not make the most of your unexpected break?

6 Things to Do When Locked Out of Your Office

1. Calm Yourself and Think

Making sure to stay calm when locked out of an office is key to finding the right solution. Taking a few deep breaths can help you clear your head and think through the options available to you.

One of the first steps should be to check if there is an alternate entrance or way inside, such as a back or side door. Additionally, attempting to call a colleague who may have access can be beneficial.

2. Check for an Emergency Key or Lock Box

Most offices have a designated key or lock box specifically for emergencies, such as being locked out of the building. This could be located near the entrance, in a nearby alleyway, or even in another building nearby.

3. Contact the Building Property Manager

If you are unable to gain access to the office through any other means, it may be necessary to contact the landlord or property manager who manages the building. They should have a spare key that they can provide so that you can enter the premises and find a way to retrieve the lost or stolen key.

4. Look for Window Access

If all other methods fail and you are still unable to gain access, you may be able to enter the building through a window. Of course, this should only be done with extreme caution and after making sure that there is no one inside the building. It is also important to assess the situation carefully – climbing through a ground-level window may be easier than scaling a wall or trying to enter through the roof.

5. Contact a Professional Locksmith

In some cases, a professional locksmith may be necessary. Many of these service providers specialise in gaining access to buildings and offices, so they should have the right tools and expertise to help you get back inside.

Make sure that you contact a reliable commercial locksmith on the Central Coast and Lake Macquarie region. This is to ensure your safety and that your office property is secured.

6. Replace Your Office Keys

Finally, it is always important to replace your office keys as soon as possible after being locked out, as this can help prevent theft or unauthorized access. This process may involve ordering new keys, which can be expensive and time-consuming. However, it is still important to go through with this step in order to ensure the safety and security of your business premises.

12 Fun Ways to Entertain Yourself While Waiting for Someone to Unlock Your Office

Here are 12 things you can do to keep yourself entertained while you wait for someone to come to your rescue. Who knows, you might even enjoy your time outside the office!

  1. Explore the neighbourhood: Take in the sights of the area, discovering any new places that you may never have been to before. Enjoy the fresh air and wander around, taking in the different buildings that make up your surrounding neighbourhood.
  2. Take photos: If you’re into photography, use this time to capture some interesting shots of the cityscape or local scenery.
  3. Call a friend: Catch up with a friend or family member you haven’t spoken to in a while.
  4. Learn a new language: Use a language-learning app on your phone to practice a new language or brush up on one you’re already learning.
  5. Read a book: Take a break from technology and read a book you’ve been wanting to dive into.
  6. Listen to a podcast: Catch up on your favourite podcast or discover a new one to listen to.
  7. Write in a journal: Use this time to reflect on your thoughts and feelings by writing in a journal.
  8. Meditate: Find a quiet spot and take some time to meditate and focus on your breathing.
  9. Play a game: Bring a deck of cards or a portable game and play solo or with a passerby.
  10. Do some yoga: Use this time to stretch your body and do some simple yoga poses.
  11. Draw or paint: If you have a sketchpad or some art supplies, use this time to tap into your creative side and create something new.
  12. Grab a snack: Treat yourself to a tasty snack from a nearby coffee shop or bakery while you wait for someone to come to your rescue.


While it can be frustrating to be stuck outside waiting for someone to let you back in, remember that this unexpected break can be a chance to unwind, get some fresh air, and engage in activities you might not have otherwise had time for.

Whether you choose to take a walk, catch up with a friend, or practice some yoga, make the most out of your time outside the office. Next time, don’t forget your keys!

And if you’re looking for professionals you can trust, look no further than AllCoast Locksmiths!

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