
How to Make the Most of Your Space

How to Make the Most of Your Space

With Spring emerging, people are spending more and more time tending to their living spaces. From decluttering efforts to total home makeovers, it is prime time to consider your home environment’s look and feel.

A significant aspect of feeling comfortable and organized within your home is how well you are utilizing the space it provides. No matter the size of your home, if you aren’t optimizing your space, you’ll have a hard time feeling at ease and settled. To help you optimize your home look, here are some ways to make the most of the space available in your home!

Make Your Bedroom A Relaxation Oasis

You may have heard about the benefits of using your bedroom only for sleep. It turns out that most people enjoy having a place to turn to at night, that is not bombarded by work and other distractions (go figure). Although maintaining your bedroom for sleep is a great start, you can take things further by maximizing the bedroom space and creating more comfort and relaxation than you thought possible.

Consider investing in luxury sheets to keep your bed cozy and invest in sleep-inducing red-light bulbs to help you drift off to sleep as deeply as our ancestors did! Also, consider centering your bed in the middle of the room to have adequate walking space on both sides of the bed. You can fall into sleep without sensing ridged spatial limitations or feeling the irritation of cramped corners.

Create A Focal Point

Create A Focal Point In Your Living Room

To maximize space in your living quarters, you need to establish a focal point that centers everything else in the room. In terms of your living room or family room, get a coffee table that can be placed in the middle of the area where your couch and TV reside.

With this arrangement, your eyes have a place to go (to the coffee table) and can find balance. Stuffing end tables in corners and coffee tables in random places can cause a sense of chaotic energy as well as cluttered use of space. Create centered areas in your living room to unwind and view the room as a functional space for entertainment.

Consider Minimalist Designs

Another way to maximize space is to decorate your home using minimalistic principles as much as possible. Aim to declutter your space and keep only those items and pieces of furniture that provide value to you and your family.

By donating unwanted items, you open up the available space in an area and establish more breathing room in the space. Minimalist designs may also incorporate neutral colors that naturally enlarge your space. Black and white color schemes effectively capture the negative space in a room, giving you more attention to these open spaces.

Use Open Concepts In Your Kitchen

Consider upgrading your light fixtures so that there are no low-hanging chandeliers or other cluttered fixtures that take away from the natural spaciousness your kitchen provides. Less is truly more!

To create more space in your kitchen, use open concepts like islands and floating shelves. Getting rid of cluttered cabinets to open up the available space and welcome more light and movement into the space. Remaking a kitchen for added space is about taking away units and establishing creative alternatives for storage and safekeeping.

The Bottom Line

You don’t need to own a mansion to feel a sense of spaciousness in your home. By organizing your furniture strategically, decluttering, and focusing on emphasizing space, you can cultivate the spaciousness you desire for your home. Consider the helpful suggestions above and make the most of your space!

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