
Empowering Simplicity: The Inspiring Journey of a Working Mother and Her Beauty Brand

Beauty Brand

Bridget Arsenault

Jasmine Wicks-Stephens, the visionary behind Faace, has revolutionized the UK beauty scene with her “no BS capsule collection” of skincare products. With 13 years of experience in the beauty industry, Jasmine’s motivation to simplify skincare stemmed from her own time constraints as a full-time working mother. As the founder and CEO of Known PR, a renowned beauty public relations firm, she desired a solution that focused on the immediate needs of her skin. This led to the creation of Faace’s three targeted products: Period Faace, Tired Faace, and Sweaty Faace. In a remarkable act of generosity, Faace has also partnered with the Hey Girls initiative, committing to donate one pack of period products for every mask sold.

The Birth of Faace: From Concept to Reality

Q: Tell me about the moment you decided to launch Faace and is that a different moment from when you thought up the idea?

Jasmine: For years, I had a lingering desire to develop a beauty concept, although I wasn’t quite sure where to start. It wasn’t driven by personal struggles with acne or a quest for a miraculous cure. I kept this notion at the back of my mind until one night, while attending a well-known beauty awards ceremony, I felt underwhelmed by the contents of my beauty bag. A thought struck me: “You should try this; you might be able to do better…”

The concept of Faace itself emerged from listening to my peers, understanding our conversations about our faces, lives, feelings, and the products we genuinely appreciate. It also came from reflecting on my own skincare habits. As a mother to a two-year-old son, my self-care routines had taken a backseat since his birth.

Q: How did you come up with the product names and formulations?

Jasmine: The first idea for a skincare product centered around addressing the challenges of periods. My colleagues and I openly discuss our experiences with periods, and it became a recurring topic. I also considered my own lifestyle, where I remained loyal to leave-on masks, regardless of the day’s activities or the exhaustion caused by a busy work schedule and a baby who struggled with sleep. It became a product I relied on when I couldn’t muster the energy for anything else (sometimes even brushing my teeth fell by the wayside due to sheer exhaustion).

Challenging the Beauty Industry

Q: As someone who works in the beauty industry, what frustrates you most about it?

Jasmine: While I’m not against cosmetic procedures or spending time scrolling through social media, what frustrates me is the unrealistic beauty standards set in recent years. The pressure to conform to an idealized version of beauty places a burden on young people, forcing them to strive for a specific appearance to feel attractive or confident. When I was younger, a disposable camera’s snapshot taken during a night out was the only image to watch out for, and there was no guarantee it would ever be developed. Nowadays, everyone is chasing “likes” and approval, bombarded by a constant stream of unattainable images. I appreciated a time when beauty was represented by more “normal” looking people. But now, it seems like everyone resembles a supermodel. So, where does that leave those who don’t fit that mold?

Q: What do you love most about the industry?

Jasmine: Paradoxically, what I love most about the industry is the fact that beauty is inclusive. Having worked with countless beauty brands, I find excitement in envisioning who would appreciate a particular product. The beauty industry constantly innovates, and that’s what makes it so thrilling.

Philanthropy and Period Poverty

Q: How and why did you choose Hey Girls as your charity partner?

Jasmine: Shedding light on period poverty is a crucial endeavor. I wanted to align Faace with a cause that held personal significance. Period talk is a common conversation topic in my office, and the taboo nature surrounding periods seems ludicrous to me. Period poverty extends beyond the inability to afford menstrual products (which is already concerning). It’s about providing a safe space for self-care during menstruation and removing the shame and embarrassment associated with a natural bodily process. It’s about educating females and males alike on the topic. Hey Girls stood out to me. I appreciate their tone and how they address periods. Moreover, they provided us with an opportunity to participate in their excellent buy-one-give-one scheme. With Faace, customers can contribute by purchasing a mask and simultaneously donating a pack of period products. It’s heartening to know that even small actions can make a difference.

Unforeseen Aspects of Building a Brand

Q: What has been the most unexpected aspect (both good and bad) of starting your own brand?

Jasmine: To be honest, there haven’t been many truly unexpected surprises. It has largely unfolded as I anticipated—lots of hard work, late nights, scrutinizing, over-analyzing, highs and lows. We’ve had to learn many things along the way, but that was part of the reason why I embarked on the Faace journey in the first place: to experience the other side of the industry I had always worked in throughout my career. I understand what makes a good beauty brand and a good beauty product, and I wanted to venture into creating one myself.

Faace’s Unique Approach to Skincare

Q: What’s unique about Faace and how is it changing the conversation?

Jasmine: Faace offers consumers a fresh approach to skincare. Our tagline, “to provide a solution to skin disrupted by life,” captures our mission precisely. We acknowledge that life often hinders our commitment to good skincare habits, and we aim to bridge that gap. Skincare can be confusing and time-consuming, with conflicting advice from the industry. Faace provides a straightforward solution that directly addresses immediate skincare needs.

Beauty Tips and Personal Pride

Q: What is your best beauty travel tip?

Jasmine: I love using hydrating masks during flights to combat dehydration. It’s a refreshing way to pamper my skin while in the air. While drinking plenty of water is crucial, there’s nothing quite like savoring an alcoholic beverage and enjoying a film during a flight. The bliss of being temporarily unreachable is unmatched. Wearing a mask during this relaxation time eases any guilt associated with not consuming copious amounts of water.

Q: What are you most proud of when it comes to Faace?

Jasmine: Overall, I’m most proud of bringing Faace to life. Like most dreamers, I’ve had countless “good” ideas that never materialized. As my grandmother wisely says, “Nothing good is ever easy.” Witnessing all the hard work come together and transform into something I’m genuinely proud of is incredibly satisfying.

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