
How Do I Know if My Senior Parents Need Assisted or an Independent Living Community?

Senior Parents Need Assisted or an Independent Living Community

As a responsible child to your parents, you probably just want to ensure they are happy and healthy as they age. You’re glad they live nearby, and you can visit them often, but you know that as they get older, the needs of your mom or dad will change.

You start to worry about how long they can continue living in their home safely and independently. Will they need help with day-to-day activities like dressing, cooking, and bathing? If so, what kind of support do they need? Are there affordable independent living communities within a reasonable distance from their home? Where does assisted living even fit into all of this?

Whatever questions you have about your parent’s future living arrangements, it’s good to be informed before making any big decisions. This article covers some common things that might indicate your parents need more help than you can give them right now.

Your Parents Are Struggling With Day-to-Day Tasks

If you notice a sudden change in your parent’s ability to do day-to-day tasks like laundry, cooking, cleaning, and even driving, it’s a good idea to talk to them about it. You can’t assume they have no idea that they’re having difficulties.

Sometimes ageing adults will just try to ignore that they’re having more difficulty with certain activities, hoping it will just pass.

Any time you see a sudden change in your parent’s abilities, it’s worth checking in with them to see what’s happening. They might need a little help with certain tasks, or they might just need a little encouragement to seek out some support.

You’re Concerned About Their Safety in the Home

If your parents have always lived alone, this may not be an issue, but if they live in the same house they raised your siblings in and are now alone, this could be a real concern.

Having a senior living alone in a house or an apartment poses several issues. If there is a medical emergency, there is no one nearby to help. If there is a fire or other emergency, the fire department may not be able to gain access to their home.

If they break a leg or suffer some other type of injury that makes it difficult to get around, no one is nearby to help them.

So, if you’re concerned about your parent’s safety and well-being, they probably shouldn’t live alone anymore and need to move to an assisted living facility or independent living community.

That doesn’t mean assisted living is the only option, though. Other housing options could be great for your parents. For example, in-home care services are often a great fit for older adults who no longer want to live alone but don’t require a higher level of care.

They’ve Fallen a Few Times and Have Limited Mobility

Some falls are unavoidable, but if your parents fall a couple of times a week or more, this may indicate a problem.

Your parents may be having issues with their balance and losing their footing as they grow. And if they are in a household with stairs, this could be very dangerous. If your parents have fallen a few times and have been treated by a doctor, they may need to consider a different living arrangement.

They’re Lonely in Their Current Living Arrangement

If your parents live alone and are lonely, they might not get the social interaction they need.

While loneliness is hard to determine, a parent who is lonely or isolated may show symptoms of anxiety or depression, which could become a serious problem.

So, if your parents seem unhappy or are having trouble adjusting to life alone, they might be a good candidate for independent living communities that provide a sense of community and connection.

They Need 24/7 Supervision

If your parent shows signs of cognitive decline, they will likely need 24/7 supervision from an assisted living facility shortly. This is especially true if you don’t have the time and energy to provide constant care. In such situations, it’s best to have them move in with someone who can help them with the things they can’t do for themselves.

You can tell they need constant care if they have trouble eating, getting dressed, using the bathroom, walking, or doing other daily activities. Luckily, assisted living facilities offer around-the-clock care, including meals, housekeeping, and medical supervision.

It’s important to note that an assisted living facility has no standard level of care. Some facilities provide more care than others, so it’s important to research and find the best fit for your parents.

They’re Having Trouble With Their Memory

Memory loss is something that happens as we get older. Your parents may forget the names of people they know or where they put things. However, if your parents have trouble with daily tasks and their memory seems to be declining quickly and significantly, they may need to be in an assisted living facility.

Their memory loss could impact how they take their medications or attend doctor appointments, and as such, they might need more help than you can provide at home.

The Bottom Line

It’s important to take note of changes in your parent’s behavior and habits. If you notice a change in their hygiene, hygiene habits, or hygiene habits, you may want to investigate further to see what is causing the change.

Be observant and use your best judgment so that you can help your parents make healthy and safe decisions for themselves.

When you recognize the signs that your parents need more help, it’s a good idea to talk to them about your concerns. Let them know that you care about their health and well-being and that it may be time to consider a different living arrangement.

Hopefully, this article has helped you understand what to look for if you think your parents might need more assistance. If you feel like there is a need for more help in your parent’s life, there are options, and you can do something about it.

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