
How To Find The Best Skin Cancer Clinic Melbourne

Skin Cancer Clinic Melbourne

What is the procedure for performing a skin cancer check? To begin, a skin cancer specialist performs a full-body skin examination, in which they use a specially built, non-invasive viewing tool called a dermatoscope to inspect all suspicious spots. This device uses bright light to expand the picture of the spot for more in-depth study.

Complete body photography, in which pictures are taken of any aspect of the face, is the second stage used by Sundoctors in a skin cancer clinic Melbourne. These photos are stored in a secure archive. When the patient returns for a second appointment, the doctor compares the two sets of photographs, searching for any adjustments in the parameters of any irregular moles.

Mole Mapping

Skilled mole mapping is available as part of the skin cancer screening facilities at the mole check clinic. Complete body mole mapping is a method of recording the entire surface of the body as well as the locations of individual moles or lesions.

A body mole chart helps you to compare present and previous photos of moles on your body with future photos. The best way to monitor the emergence of new moles is to build a mole road map.

What’s the difference between a mole chart and a skin cancer screening?

A mole map entails having a series of 28 images that cover the entire body surface. These are then saved in a database, where they can be linked to images of previous and future mole maps.

A skin cancer examination requires a dermatoscope examination of the skin from head to toe by a professional skin cancer doctor. Any moles or freckles will be checked carefully and screened for symptoms of skin cancer.

What is mole mapping and how does it work?

 Mole mapping is done with the aid of cutting-edge optical mole mapping tools.

The mole mapping procedure is painless. An individual is required to strip down to his underwear. Then the process of photographing every part of the body begins. The operator must pause and check the images as they are being taken to ensure that the accuracy, focus, and positions are right.

The latest modern optical mole mapping tools and optics present on the marketplace are utilized at the mole screening clinic. This technology divides the body into 28 parts in order to cover the entire skin surface.

In addition to storing images, the app has built-in resources that can help with the detection of precancerous moles and skin cancer. The potential to distinguish new spots or lesions is one of the most significant features of mole mapping technology.

Because of recent advancements in software and optics, as well as the ability to store vast volumes of data, mole mapping has become a powerful tool for skin cancer diagnosis.


Since Australia has the nation’s largest incidence of skin cancer, early detection of Melanoma is critical. Melanoma and other skin cancers may develop over time without causing any symptoms or visible changes. Mapping increases the likelihood of identification at the earliest possible time.

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