
Is KissCartoon safe and legal for watching cartoons online?

watching cartoons online

Do you or your child use KissCartoon for streaming cartoons? If so, then you need to stop immediately as you are putting yourself at risk.

KissCartoon is quite popular among children as it has ample content on cartoons and animes such as series, movies, songs, and many more. You can also find all major US cartoons on the streaming platform. Though it is a viral streaming website, very few people know that it is an illegal and unsafe streaming platform.

The original KissCartoon website was launched a decade ago. However, it was later shut down in the year 2017 after a criminal prosecution was requested by the ambassador of the US. Then, different sites similar to KissCartoon (with the same name but different domains) were launched.

Most of the people today are using these sites considering them to be the original KissCartoon site. But, there is no validation whether it belongs to the same owners or someone else operates them.

A lot of children who stream using the clone sites are unaware of the fact that its content is pirated, and hence they end up downloading viruses into their system. Also, the websites are loaded with viruses and malware. So, the point to note here is that ‘KissCartoon is illegal and unsafe’.

KissCartoon website

What is KissCartoon?

Cartoons are very popular among children and adults alike. Nevertheless, only limited cartoon-related content is available online as most of the streaming sites focus on dramas, movies, and series. However, KissCarton is like a paradise for cartoon lovers as this streaming platform contains a plethora of cartoons and anime series. A lot of English movies are also available on the platform, but KissCarton is chiefly a cartoon streaming site. The website can be accessed through multiple devices ranging from tablets, PC, laptops to smartphones. There are dozens of cartoons, animes, and movies that you can binge-watch on the site. Also, all the content is categorized nicely so you can find your favorite cartoons with ease.

KissCartoon was first established a decade ago and its streaming platform was managed by Kiss Anime Network. It offered streaming services to nations that do not have any copyright issues. The website gradually grew in popularity in many regions, owing to its wide range of content which is very satisfying, especially for kids.

Is KissCartoon Legal?

No, KissCartton is not a legal streaming website, the reason being that they show pirated cartoons, animes, and shows. Websites like KissCartoon do not have any rights to stream the content that they presently show. Hence, KissCartoon has been shut down a number of times due to fraudulent activities. The servers were forced to shut down worldwide. During the shutdown, many clones of the website were created to keep it alive and running.

Some of the clone domains are:

  • io
  • org
  • bz
  • co
  • mobi
  • su
  • me

The main issue regarding many of the KissCartoon websites is that they have viruses and malware which can corrupt or hack the system you are using. These websites are generally clones of the chief website, and it is tough to trace such website owners. Furthermore, the clone websites have a different domain name, but they share the same website name. This confuses users, and they get prone to the virus attacks thereby leading to hacking and malfunction of the devices.

Legal Alternatives to KissCartoon

Now that you know that KissCartoon is illegal and unsafe, you must be depressed that you can no longer stream your favorite cartoons. However, you don’t need to feel sad as there are legal alternatives for this platform.

There are many websites that host shows, cartoons, and anime. Some of the most frequently used cartoon streaming platforms are:

  • Cartoon Network
  • Nickelodeon
  • Crackle
  • Netflix
  • Hulu
  • Comedy Central
  • Amazon Prime

The streaming sites mentioned above are not free. You have to apply for a monthly subscription, the charge of which is nominal as per the content offered. You can pay for a single month and register for the membership. These platforms can also be accessed through their mobile app.

They also come with the option of ‘download’ whereby you can download your favorite cartoons and watch them later without any internet connection. Out of these, Netflix is quite a popular streaming website. It allows users to download the app and access all the content on any device including a smartphone. Just like Netflix, you can all other streaming sites from any device.

These streaming sites are much safer and even take all privacy measures to ensure users’ safety. You can resume or continue your favorite program right from where you left it. You can also create favorites. Such features make these streaming platforms far more useful than KissCartoon.

One last option you can opt for is to purchase DVDs from movie libraries. Though there are significantly fewer DVD users, many movie libraries still exist, and you can try them out.

Closing words: Should you watch Cartoons on KissCartoon?

It is not advised to use the KissCartoon streaming website to watch cartoons. This website is not safe and can infect your system with viruses. Also, it contains pirated content, and it is an offense to watch pirated content online. Many people believe that only downloading content from pirated websites is illegal.

However, even streaming content online from pirated websites is illegal. Though there are fewer chances of getting into criminal charges, there is always the risk of downloading various viruses that can destroy your devices. Hence, it is better to stream with peace of mind than to take the risk.

A number of both legal and safe websites are available online that facilitate cartoon streaming. So, it is a better idea to opt for legal platforms like Netflix, Nickelodeon, etc. Legal streaming websites have better options and are safer enough to stream for long hours. So, you should guide your children to only use legitimate websites for streaming cartoons.

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