
Unconventional Therapies That Actually Work in Curing Addictions

Unconventional Therapies That Actually Work in Curing Addictions

Getting the right treatment planned for a victim who suffers from substance abuse disorder is not easy. Not everyone who seeks the support of rehab is in the same state of physical and mental conditions. This makes it tough for deaddiction centers to prepare a patient for their rehabilitation and get them to the recovery phase at the earliest.

The usual strategies like medication-assisted treatment, cognitive behavioral therapy, and basic lifestyle changes are not working anymore, or at least it takes a lot of time that both families and rehabs can’t afford. These conventional methods also make a victim feel like they are in a hostile environment. That is why deaddiction initiatives like Miami treatment programs have started trying unconventional therapy formats that match modern times. Though these aren’t replacing the usual medication process, these new methods can come in handy to keep the deaddiction phase lively and less stressful. So here are some of the unconventional alternatives.

Music Therapy

Music is such a cure for the broken soul. People undergoing deaddiction treatment need facilities that can produce a calming effect to soothe their depression, fear, and anxiety. Music is the quickest getaway in such instances. Various music formats are specifically tailored for such purposes, which can also be used for these rehab programs.

Adventure Therapy

Adventure therapy is the process of using recreational activities like hiking, camping, or sports to reduce pre and post-treatment trauma in a person. Some of the top deaddiction centers like WhiteSands Alcohol & Drug Rehab may not recommend it to beginners in rehab, but certainly, the rehab graduates who are good to be on their own and outpatients can give it a try and enjoy the amazing results. Moving to a place with less access to substances and things that remind them of the past can prove extremely useful and help the patients recover completely.

Unconventional Therapies That Actually Work in Curing Addictions

Role Playing

This a treatment technique that is at the experiential level. Therapy is all about curing a person at the emotional level. That is also known as psychodrama, which can be quite useful. Acting out plays, role reversals, and role-playing can help the victim express and understand the impact of substance abuse on their life. The bottled-up emotions explode during such sessions, helping them feel relieved and light-hearted.


This is a slight inclination towards the medical side where the method of neuro-feedback helps in curing the nervous problems caused as a result of the substance use disorder. Neurofeedback is a brainchild of technology. Here, a device is connected to the patient’s body to check how physiological changes affect the psychological well-being of the person and reserve it. It also helps to regulate heart rate and muscle tension.

Art Therapy

Any form of art is relaxing, therapeutic, and meditative. The unsaid emotions come out in the form of art, which detoxes the body, mind, and soul. It drives the negative vibe that surrounds a patient by making them do something they love. This art therapy method is also used by therapists to observe the drawing and understand the patient’s psychological well-being. Recording such observations can be used to treat the patient better and be more helpful to them.

Unconventional Therapies That Actually Work in Curing Addictions

Emotional Freedom Techniques

Emotional Freedom Techniques, shortly referred to as EFT, is the process of using the fingertips to gently touch various pressure points of the patient to tap the energy in their body. The sequential touch is similar to what is done in acupuncture. This technique frees up the blocked energy and rejuvenates the body. This process improves the mental, physical, and spiritual health of a person and makes them feel relaxed and energized.

Group Therapy

A relatively common one on the list is group therapy. Patients who are in rehab generally prefer specialized and individual care, not knowing the benefits of this form of treatment. However, group therapy is a much more effective one. Extensive research on group therapy was done in 2014, and the benefits were found to be astounding. Almost half of the patients in the rehab had a positive response following group therapy, and the impact was long-lasting. In group therapy, patients tend to one another in the recovery process. Substance use disorder leaves depression and trauma in a patient, and the support of peers who are going through the same process of deaddiction can help patients fight anxiety, fear, and the feeling of loneliness together.


A paradigm shift from conventional methods to adopting these new methods is quite an appreciable move in the realm of deaddiction treatment. Understanding the problems of a patient, their likes, and their mental state can help rehabilitation centers employ the most ideal method to heal the patient at the earliest and make the process of deaddiction less difficult and more supportive.




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