Are you looking for reliable weather information on Twitter? In this article, I will provide you with a comprehensive list of recommended Twitter accounts to follow. This discussion follows my previous article, where I commented on a “100 Best Meteorologists in Social Media” list that predominantly featured individuals from the broadcast/TV sector. While many on the list deserved recognition, it sparked a national conversation about the definition of a meteorologist, gender diversity, and regional biases. As a Forbes contributor and former President of the American Meteorological Society, I decided to ask a respected panel of meteorology experts for their top recommendations of weather-related accounts on social media.
Please note that this compilation is not a scientifically rigorous study and carries some subjectivity. Keep in mind that blogs, including mine, should be considered in perspective as they do not undergo peer review. The methodology employed for this list was straightforward but not flawless:
- I contacted 28 colleagues across the weather community, including representatives from the broadcast/television, government, academic, and private/other sectors. This diverse group was chosen to ensure a well-rounded representation.
- Each colleague was asked to provide a list of 25 weather-related Twitter accounts they follow for reliable information. No ranking was required.
- If a name or handle appeared multiple times, it was included in the list.
- In an effort to promote gender, diversity, and sector balance, I also added a few selections to complement the panel’s recommendations.
- It’s important to clarify that this list focuses on individuals and groups providing weather content, while a future list will highlight climate-related tweeters. Although a formal meteorological degree was not a requirement for inclusion, it should be noted that the American Meteorological Society has a specific definition of a meteorologist.
The Comprehensive List
Here are the top weather-related Twitter accounts recommended by the panel of experts (in alphabetical order):
- Accuweather, @breakingweather
- Morgan Abigail, @Morganabigail
- American Meteorological Society, @ametsoc
- Scott Bachmeier, @CIMSS_satellite
- Bob Ballard, @firebomb56
- Tim Ballisty, @IrishEagle
- Joe Bastardi, @BigJoeBastardi
- Eric Blake, @EricBlake12
- Trevor Boucher, @zombietrev5k
- Sean Breslin, @Sean_Breslin
- Harold Brooks, @hebrooks87
- Jim Cantore, @jimcantore
- Greg Carbin, @gcarbin
- Capital Weather Gang, @capitalweather
- Judah Cohen, @judah47
- James Correia, @jimmyc42
- Levi Cowan, @TropicalTidbits
- Becky Elliott, @wx_becks
- Johnathan Erdman, @wxjerdman
- Eric Fisher, @ericfisher
- Andrew Freedman, @afreema
- Angela Fritz, @angelafritz
- Victor Gensini, @gensiniwx
- Alan Gerard, @Wxmanms1
- Bob Henson, @bhensonweather
- Eric Holthaus, @EricHolthaus
- Hurricane Hunters, @53d_HHA
- Nate Johnson, @nsj
- Phil Klotzbach, @philklotzbach
- Rick Knabb, @nhcdirector
- Zach Labe, @zlabe
- Alex Lamers, @alexjlamers
- Matt Lanza, @mattlanza
- Dan Lindsey, @DanLindsey77
- Ian Livingston, @islivingston
- Michael Lowry, @MichaelRLowry
- Patrick Marsh, @pmarshwx
- Ryan Maue, @ryanmaue
- Barb Mayes Boustead, @windbarb
- Jordan McLeod, @McWeather1989
- Brian McNoldy, @BMcNoldy
- Memphis Weather, @memphisweather1
- Dennis Mersereau, @wxdam
- John Morales, @JohnMoralesNBC6
- Josh Morgerman, @iCyclone
- Marshall Moss, @MarshallMoss
- NashSevereWx, @nashseverewx
- National Weather Association, @nwas
- National Weather Service, @nws (also find and consider your local office)
- National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center, @nwsspc
- Tom Niziol, @TomNiziol
- Jan Null, @ggweather
- Stu Ostro, @StuOstro
- Brad Panovich, @wxbrad
- Jeff Piotrowski, @jeff_piotrowski
- Kathryn Prociv, @kathrynprociv
- Bob Ryan, @bobryanccm
- Anthony Sagliani, @anthonywx
- Dan Satterfield, @wildweatherdan
- Steve Seman, @SteveSeman
- Marshall Shepherd, @DrShepherd2013
- Mike Smith, @USWeatherExpert
- Rick Smith, @ounwcm
- Adam Sobel, @profadamsobel
- Daniel Swain, @Weather_West
- James Spann, @spann
- Gary Szatkowski, @garyszatkowski
- Taylor Trogdon, @TTrogdon
- USA Today Weather, @usatodayweather
- U.S. Tornadoes, @USTornadoes
- Michael Ventrice, @MJVentrice
- Weather Channel, @weatherchannel
- Bryan Wood, @bryanwx
- Weather Geeks, @WXGeeksTWC
- WxSocial, @thewxsocial
- Ginger Zee, @Ginger_Zee
In summary, this list provides an excellent starting point for finding reliable weather information on Twitter. Although it’s important to acknowledge the limitations and biases of the survey, I believe these accounts represent a diverse and valuable selection of the top weather-related tweeters. Keep in mind that there are many other exceptional weather enthusiasts and local/regional tweeters who may not be included here. As weather geeks, let’s continue to share outstanding weather-related accounts and expand our network of valuable resources.