
What AC Temperature Helps You Deal with Your Allergies?

What AC Temperature Helps You Deal with Your Allergies?

Allergies can be an unpleasant nuisance. Runny noses and itchy eyes are common complaints. Many people will close doors and windows and run air conditioning to block out allergens from outside sources.

An incorrect air conditioning temperature can aggravate allergies by spreading allergens throughout your home. Choosing the appropriate setting can reduce allergy symptoms by filtering out dust particles, pollen grains, pet dander, and mold spores.

If your AC isn’t working to its full potential and is affecting your allergies, you can contact IMS Heating & Air and schedule a repair.

The ideal AC temperature for your allergies

As allergy season arrives, many will try to protect themselves by closing off doors and windows and turning on their air conditioners; however, if their AC system is poorly maintained or does not feature efficient filters, this could worsen symptoms.

Allergies are caused by your immune system’s overreaction to definite substances, such as pet dander, dust mites, mold spores, and airborne pollutants that trigger itching in your nose or throat, watery eyes, or runny nose symptoms. If these are present for you, it’s wise to consult a medical provider immediately.

Air conditioning provides several benefits to address allergies, including dehumidification and air filtration. These features help keep indoor humidity below 50%, which ensures most allergens cannot travel throughout your home. Furthermore, regular replacement and cleaning of air filters is another effective way of decreasing allergen accumulation within the system.

Air conditioning helps to keep your home cool and pleasant while reducing exposure to allergens, but it’s vital to realize that it cannot treat allergies on its own. A better option for allergies is usually an air purifier, which will filter and eliminate allergens from the air more successfully.

During the spring

Spring marks the beginning of outdoor pollen season, which can trigger itchy eyes, runny noses, and other allergy symptoms.

Household allergens that thrive in warm, humid conditions, such as mold spores and dander, can also trigger allergic reactions – making the spring season especially hazardous to indoor allergies.

To combat indoor allergies effectively, people should keep their homes clean on an ongoing basis, change air filters often, and utilize dehumidifiers; their AC system also plays an integral part in controlling humidity levels for maximum control against allergies in their environment.

Homeowners can use their air conditioning unit as an antidote against allergens. Preventive maintenance ensures the system runs efficiently while cleaning ducts helps flush away allergens from its components.

During the fall

Fall poses challenges for those with allergies due to prevalent allergens such as pollen, mildew, mold, pet dander, dust mites, and fungal spores, causing symptoms ranging from dry, itchy skin to sinus congestion in various regions of the country.

As trees and plants shed their leaves and produce new pollen, seasonal allergies can resurface with enthusiasm in the fall. Allergic sufferers often experience itchy eyes and runny noses from this pollen source, while some even experience asthma triggers.

Luckily, the same tips used to reduce allergy symptoms in spring can also help minimize fall allergy attacks, including cleaning your air filter regularly with higher MERV ratings and having your air ducts professionally cleaned.

Allergens tend to flare up more during humid weather. Air conditioning can help decrease humidity levels inside the home to protect against mold and mildew growth and remove spores that circulate from their source.

Homeowners can do more to increase indoor air quality beyond essential maintenance, such as changing filters and ensuring their house is adequately ventilated to avoid airborne allergens becoming trapped within stagnant rooms.

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