Buying a new water heater is a difficult task that involves much consultation and research. Having a new water heater is unlike getting into a store and keeping it in the house. There are many factors to be considered before having a water heater installation Columbus OH. So which is the best and right water heater for my home? To clear your doubt, below are some of the guides to check before having a new water heater installed at your home.
What are the questions to be raised before buying a new water heater? First, the type of fuel source required at your home, what type of heater is required, what capacity is needed for the place, calculating the space to be cooled, and the accessories needed for installing and running it.
Let us first see about the fuel source! The first factor for every homeowner to consider is the type of fuel source required in your place, whether electricity, gas or any other source.
Having an electric water heater is common and one of the cheapest types of unit. Numerous models and types of electric water heaters are available. The average size of an electric water heater ranges from 28 gallons to 100 gallons with one or two changeable heater parts. A propane or gas water heater uses a burner to heat the water in place. Its size ranges from 30 gallons to 100 gallons. This type of water heater is comparatively costlier than an electric water heater but is energy-saving.
What type of water heater is required? There are two major types of water heaters namely tank-type water heaters and tankless water heaters.
The tank-type water heater as the name suggests uses a tank. It stores the water in the tank and maintains a constant temperature to keep the water hot. This water heater is comparatively large as it uses a tank. It comes in all types of fuel sources and is very efficient with the least operational cost.
The tankless water heater is the latest but reliable type of heating unit that is most preferred lately. One can save good money and energy during operation as it provides instant hot water not waiting for the water to be heated. Depending on the need one can choose the water heater required.
What is the capacity of the water heater? The capacity of a water heater is categorized based on gallons. The amount of hot water required in the place is measured and the water heaters are purchased based on gallons. The larger the number of people in your home the higher the water demand would be, and the larger the capacity of the tank. This water heater capacity requirement also varies according to the type of fuel source used be it an electric water heater or the gas water heater.
Before choosing the water heater for installation one should choose the place of installation. Knowing the place of installation will help in finding the right-sized unit. Where do you plan to place the water heater whether in your laundry room, garage, or attic? Measure the place before making the purchase. If the space is insufficient for a tank-type water heater, there are two options available that provide the same performance and efficiency. Short water heaters aka lowboys are wider and shorter in size. Though the fitting area is minimum it holds the same amount of water. Tall water heaters can hold about 100 gallons of water whose size ranges from 50 to 76 inches.
To have improved performance with minimized water heater repair Columbus OH, there are several accessories available.
Water leak detectors and alarms are placed on the floor or beside the unit which alarms when the heater overflows. The water heater timers are connected to the electric supply of the unit which makes use of electricity only at the set timing. Expansion tanks in the water heater are sufficient to hold additional water. One can raise the water heater off the ground by a water heater stand.
No matter what type of installation and accessories you are planning to add, make sure to call a professional for perfect work. One professional work is offered by the Ohio Water Heaters. Call 614-881-5439 for more information.