Polysubstance abuse is a serious problem in the United States. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, approximately 7.5 million people aged 12 or older had used two or more drugs in the past month. This type of abuse can be incredibly dangerous, as different substances can interact with each other in harmful ways. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at what polysubstance abuse is, the dangers it poses, and how to get help if you or someone you know is struggling with it.
What is polysubstance abuse? Polysubstance abuse is, simply put, the abuse of more than one substance at a time. This can include anything from alcohol and tobacco to illegal drugs like cocaine or heroin. People who struggle with polysubstance abuse often do so because they are trying to self-medicate for another issue, such as anxiety or depression.
What are the dangers of polysubstance abuse? There are many dangers associated with polysubstance abuse. First and foremost, it is incredibly dangerous to mix substances together. This can lead to unpredictable and potentially life-threatening consequences. Additionally, polysubstance abuse can lead to a whole host of other issues, such as financial problems, legal trouble, relationship difficulties, and mental health problems.
If you or someone you know is struggling with polysubstance abuse, there is help available. There are many different treatment options available, depending on the severity of the problem. Treatment can include things like therapy, medication, and support groups. Recovery from polysubstance abuse is possible with help from professionals and loved ones.
What are the common side effects that are seen with polysubstance abuse. Polysubstance abuse can lead to a number of different side effects. These can include physical, mental, and emotional side effects. Some of the more common side effects that are seen with polysubstance abuse include:
-Loss of appetite
-Weight loss or gain
-Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
These are just some of the more common side effects that are associated with polysubstance abuse.
With polysubstance abuse, there is a much higher chance of an overdose being likely to happen. This is because when multiple substances are being abused, it can be difficult to know how each substance will affect the other. This can lead to a person taking too much of one or more of the substances and overdosing as a result.
An overdose from polysubstance abuse can have serious consequences. Some of these consequences can include:
-Loss of consciousness
-Brain damage
-Heart attack
-Respiratory failure
These are just some of the potential consequences that can result from an overdose on multiple substances. As you can see, they are all very serious and could even be deadly in some cases.
Why do people use multiple substances at once? Why is polysubstance abuse a thing? There can be a few reasons. People might use multiple substances to try and enhance the effects of one or more of the substances. Others might use multiple substances to try and offset the negative effects of one of the substances.
For example, someone who is trying to come down from using cocaine might drink alcohol to try and calm themselves down. This can have disastrous consequences because it can lead to an overdose on both cocaine and alcohol.
Treatment for polysubstance abuse can be difficult because it requires treating each substance abuse disorder separately. In some cases, this might mean going to multiple different treatment facilities or seeing multiple different therapists.
The most important thing is that you get help if you are struggling with polysubstance abuse. Make sure to talk to a loved one if you or them need help with polysubstance abuse. If you don’t have anyone to talk to, there are many hotlines available that can help get you on the road to recovery. With the right treatment, recovery is possible.