
3 Dangers Of Contaminated Drinking Water

3 Dangers Of Contaminated Drinking Water

Water serves many purposes in people’s daily lives. It’s one of the most important natural substances on the planet and has many uses other than just for drinking. Water is so important because without it, there would be no H20 or oxygen in the body. Without it, the body can’t function properly, and would start to break down.

Water is particularly crucial during times of exertion or physical stress, such as running a marathon or something similar. In these situations, one needs to use a lot of energy to stay active. What happens is the body will work much harder to digest food to fuel the body. When you feel tired and lethargic after a long day of working out, water may be your best bet in replenishing the lost nutrients and energy.

How can people tell if water is safe to drink or is contaminated? The problem is that there are many unwanted byproducts or toxins left in the water. There are so many contaminants in the water supply that you need to understand the dangers of impure drinking water to keep you and your loved ones safe from it.

What Are The Dangers Of Contaminated Drinking Water?

Water supplies are threatened by several environmental factors, including pollution and climate change. Drinking contaminated water can result in waterborne infections, illnesses, and even death. Here are the three dangers present in contaminated drinking water:

Contaminated Drinking Water

  • Chemicals

Although many people assume there’s only one chemical in drinking water that causes health problems, they sometimes don’t know that there is a plethora of different chemicals that can be present in tap water. Chlorine is one of the most common ingredients, although many people don’t realize this. In addition to the chlorine, many different cancer-causing disinfection byproducts are released into the ground. Many of the environmental groups that are fighting against chlorine are also working to get rid of the byproducts created by the disinfection process.

In addition to chlorine, there are thousands of different pesticides, herbicides, and other contaminants found in drinking water across the country. While most of these chemicals don’t pose immediate health threats, prolonged exposure to many of them has been linked to serious medical conditions. One of the ways to enjoy clean drinking water is to have a professional water filtration system installed in your home, according to Filtap.

  • Bacteria, Viruses, And Parasites

One of the biggest threats to water safety is bacterial contamination. Every time you ingest contaminated water, you’re exposing your body to harmful bacteria. Cholera is a disease that affects the intestines and is caused by the ingestion of food or water contaminated with the cholera bacteria. The disease is still common in countries where poor water supplies are widespread.

When the water is not treated or filtered, the Vibrio cholerae bacterium contaminates the drinking water, enters the person’s body, and causes potentially life-threatening health conditions like dehydration, diarrhea, septic shock, or kidney failure. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), millions of people around the world suffer from cholera each year, with thousands dying because of it.

Other deadly pathogens can spread disease once it contaminates the drinking water supply. Parasites (Giardia intestinalis and cryptosporidium) and viruses (rotavirus, enterovirus, hepatitis virus, and others) will also make you and your family sick. If you suspect the illnesses at home are caused by waterborne pathogens, you should get medical attention as soon as possible. A water analysis should also be ordered immediately to list out all of the contaminants in your water.

If a problem in your water supply is detected, it’s always best to take action quickly, to make sure the problem doesn’t worsen. One way to prevent diseases from waterborne pathogens is by purchasing only clean and sanitized water from reputable companies. You should also follow the safety guidelines recommended by your plumbing company to guarantee that your water supply is safe to use.

  • Heavy Metals

You may not know right off the bat whether or not you’re ingesting water with heavy metals, unless the concentration is high. Some of the most common heavy metals present in tap water are arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury. Heavy metals can cause damage to the bones, kidneys, liver, and skin.

Prolonged exposure to heavy metals may also result in blood disorders and damage to the nervous system. One of the best practices is to have a periodic water analysis of your tap water at home. If you see more than one chemical in the water, this is a red flag. If you see anything that should be a warning of heavy metal poisoning from your drinking water, get immediate medical attention.

When you’re shopping for water filters, look for one that includes a detoxification system. A multi-stage water filter system will help remove heavy metals and other toxins that may be present in your water. Before purchasing a filtration and purification system, verify if it removes heavy metal contaminants, so you know you’re getting the purest water possible.


How will contaminated drinking water impact your health? Dirty drinking water can cause severe health problems, so you must be sure the drinking water at home is filtered and treated properly. To protect yourself against these dangers, make sure to never drink contaminated water, and always use a purification system to make certain you and your family get clean, safe water all the time.

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