
5 Things New Pet Parents Need To Consider

5 Things New Pet Parents

If you’ve decided it’s time to welcome a pet into your home, there’s no doubt you’re thrilled about the new furry addition to your family. But whether you’ve decided to shop for a puppy with a registered humane breeder or you’re going to rescue an older pet from the local shelter, there are a few things you should know.

So, to help you prepare for the new four-legged arrival, we’ve listed the most important things you’ll need to consider beforehand.

The Cost Of Vet Visits

Vet visits are just as pricey as doctor and hospital visits. It’s not wise to assume your pet won’t encounter any health problems either because cats and dogs are prone to a variety of particular illnesses, and you’ll also need to consider the possibility of injuries.

Instead of being unprepared for these costs, you should opt for pet health insurance right from the get-go.

This unique insurance policy will protect your pocket from the costs of vet visits, essential vaccinations, and even neutering.

A House-Training Strategy

House-training a young puppy or kitten can be frustrating and upsetting, to say the least. Unfortunately, this training takes time, and you’ll need to be as patient as possible.

Instead of winging it, it’s wise to think of a house-training strategy. One of the most practical and effective house-training methods is to take your pet outside half an hour after meals and at regular intervals to do their business. If they happen to have an accident inside, it’s also best not to be too harsh, as this can break your pup’s spirit and leave them full of fear.

If indoor fouling becomes a problem, you can also consider creating an indoor fouling area. Puppy pads are the best option for this, and you can use anti-fouling sprays to repel your pet from carpets and flooring otherwise.

Chewing And Destruction

Pets are also notorious for destructive behaviors in their early stages of life. It’s no secret that puppies love chewing shoes and anything else in their path, for that matter.

But it really doesn’t need to be this way. Pets fall into destructive behaviors when they are bored, frustrated, or teething.

Instead of assuming your pet will grow out of destructive habits, it’s important to provide them with chew toys and entertainment toys right from the start.


Next, you also need to think about your pet’s grooming needs. If you opt for a kitten, routine brushing and tick and flea treatments are essential to minimize shedding. On the other hand, puppies typically require bathing, brushing, and tick and flea treatments.

Short hair pups tend to shed a lot more than long-haired breeds, so consider the particular grooming needs depending on the breed you choose as well.


Kittens might not need walks and too much exercise; they’ll keep themselves active throughout the day. But if you choose a puppy, daily walks are critical to keeping your pet healthy and happy. It’s also important to play with your puppy outside. There are tons of fun outdoor activities to consider as well.

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