
Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast: 9 Navy SEAL Sayings to Enhance Change Leadership

slow is smooth smooth is fast

The journey of organizational leadership in the 21st century is more intricate and challenging than ever before, particularly when it comes to leading through change. To gain valuable insights into this realm, we turn to the Navy SEALs, known for their exceptional adaptability and effectiveness in navigating chaos and transformation. The SEALs’ sayings and philosophies resonate deeply with organizational change, shedding light on how to lead positively and embrace change effectively.

1. Move, Shoot, Communicate

Just as effective combat units must maneuver, shoot, and communicate seamlessly in chaotic environments, organizations embarking on change require clear and constant communication. Poor communication, both vertically and horizontally, is a significant cause of failure in 70% of organizational change efforts, according to McKinsey & Company. Emphasizing a shared vision and purpose for change is vital to ensure success.

2. My Character and Honor Are Steadfast

Trust and accountability are cornerstones of successful change leadership. Such behavior must be modeled from the top and adopted by all team members. Character and integrity within leadership are crucial for high-performance teams navigating the battlefield of change.

3. I Will Never Quit

Organizational change necessitates a profound mindset transformation among leaders and managers. To achieve the desired vision, leaders must redefine their perspectives and map out the path towards success. However, change often takes longer and involves more significant costs than anticipated, leading to change fatigue. A commitment to perseverance and determination is vital to weathering these challenges.

4. Don’t Run to Your Death

The SEALs abide by the philosophy “slow is smooth and smooth is fast,” where movements and behaviors become muscle memory. Similarly, organizational change demands a step-by-step approach, avoiding the temptation to rush through crucial elements such as vision alignment and cultural transformation. Skipping fundamental phases can lead to a stalled change process.

5. In the Worst of Conditions, the Legacy of My Teammates Steadies My Resolve

High-performing teams rely on mutual support, particularly during trying times. Similarly, the success of organizational change hinges on employee engagement and active participation. Sadly, the majority of the global workforce remains disengaged or actively disengaged, hindering the change process. Prioritizing engagement is essential for successful change efforts.

6. We Train for War and Fight to Win

SEAL training is renowned for its difficulty, mirroring the rigors of real combat. Likewise, organizations must adequately prepare and train for the challenges of change. Investing in professional development and providing the necessary resources are vital for fostering a culture of accountability and readiness.

7. You Can’t Polish a Turd

While the phrase may be straightforward, its meaning is significant. During change efforts, certain employees may resist and work against the transformation. These individuals, even if possessing subject matter expertise, can be toxic to the change process. Addressing such negativity is crucial to maintaining a positive change environment.

8. If Knocked Down, I Will Get Back Up. Every Time.

Resilience forms the foundation of the SEAL mindset. Similarly, organizations must build resilience to face the challenges of change proactively. Constantly scanning for threats and opportunities, resilient teams bounce back from adversity stronger than before, allowing them to navigate change successfully.

9. I Will Not Fail

The Navy SEAL Ethos culminates in the statement, “I will not fail.” Although failures may occur, the passion and commitment to keep moving forward remain unshaken. Leaders who lead change with determination and a vision of success inspire their teams to achieve remarkable outcomes.


Drawing inspiration from the Navy SEALs’ ethos and sayings provides valuable guidance for leading change in any organization. Embracing effective communication, building trust, persevering through challenges, and fostering engagement are critical factors in successful change leadership. Adopting these principles can pave the way for transformative and impactful change within an organization.

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