
How Obesity In The U.S. Has Grown And What To Do About It?

How Obesity In The U.S. Has Grown And What To Do About It?

Obesity is a global epidemic affecting millions of people worldwide, 1 in 8 people are living and struggling with this terrible disease. As widespread as obesity’s reach has been, the illness has always been associated most with the U.S. of all other countries.

And there’s a good reason for that. Adult obesity in the country stands at 42.4 percent, a staggering rate increasing each year, risking the lives of millions of Americans. Today, we’ll explore how obesity in the U.S. has grown and what to do about it. Read on for actionable tips and advice.

The Reality of Obesity in the U.S.

The reality of obesity in the United States is grim, as you probably expected. Currently, all 50 states have an obesity rate of over 20% and 35% in 17 of those states alone.

It’s estimated that 42% of American adults have adult obesity, while 30% are overweight. If we put it simply, more than two-thirds of American adults are already obese and overweight. All of these statistics are not pleasant and paint a sad picture of the country.

However, there is no need to be disheartened just yet, because as the GLP-1 market presents, things are starting to look up. While the FDA has only approved the use of obesity-related drugs in the past decade, there is much potential and hope for those prepared to mitigate this disease.

The Dangers of Obesity

Let’s take a look at some of the most common dangers and threats obesity poses for its sufferers. These are just some of the health risks; there are a lot more dangers of this terrible illness.

  1. Type-2 Diabetes
  2. Hypertension
  3. Fatty Liver Disease
  4. Depression
  5. Heart Disease
  6. Osteoarthritis
  7. Cancer
  8. Breathing Problems
  9. Sleep Apnea
  10. Stroke

How Do We Address Obesity In The U.S.?

We’ve talked about the dark reality of obesity in the U.S., and as disappointing as it may seem, there’s always a brighter side to things. Now it’s time to tell you what we can do about it.

The only realistic way we can tackle the obesity epidemic today is to become more conscious about our health. This is the most actionable, doable, and practical way we can begin our journey towards a healthier life.

Below, we’ll delve into this and more productive and transformable ways to deal with obesity in the U.S.


You already knew this was going to be number one. But nothing beats a consistent routine of daily exercise and a nutritious and clean diet to manage obesity symptoms head-on.

It’s not just bluff or catchphrases of the fitness industry, but regular exercise and physical activity paired with a healthy diet do wonders for the body, mind, and soul. And it doesn’t have to be extreme, either!

Just an hour of consistent physical activity and movement every day can help you start on your way to a healthier you. But even rigorous exercises, weight lifting, marathons, and intense cardio can prove futile if you’re still eating unhealthy food.


The U.S. currently reigns number one in having the largest fast-food industry in the world. This statistic serves as a telling sign as to how overexposed Americans are to unhealthy and harmful foods. With rapid home delivery services, it doesn’t seem to get any better.

That’s why it comes down to us to make better lifestyle choices, commit to daily physical activity, and have a clean and nutritious diet to take on obesity.

Reducing or completely cutting down unhealthy foods (sugar, unhealthy or saturated fats, carbs) can create the framework for a fit and vigorous lifestyle. Meal planning with healthy and nutritious home-cooked food can help kickstart your fight against obesity for good.

3.Weight Loss Medication

As we’ve mentioned above, weight loss medications have spread like wildfire in a good way! You’ve probably heard of the drug Ozempic, which gained celebrity status for being popular among celebrities worldwide.

The drug has seemingly helped many lose weight and in higher doses has proven to be very effective for those struggling with obesity.

But of course, you should never take yourself or recommend any weight loss medication to anyone just because you’ve seen someone talk about it on Instagram. These drugs are only to be taken under a doctor’s advice and medical supervision and accompany a healthy lifestyle, not replace one.


This is the heavy-duty and undoubtedly drastic fix to obesity. Weight loss surgeries include removing accumulated fat in the body.

In many cases, it can also entail removing or reducing the size of the person’s small intestine or stomach to regulate eating habits and restrain from overconsumption.

Gastric sleeve or gastric bands are used to reduce the stomach size in weight-loss surgeries. Gastric bypass allows food to detour from parts of the digestive system, usually the small intestine. It can also help reduce the size of the stomach.

While there is an increased risk of vitamin deficiencies, gastric bypass remains the most popular and non-invasive weight loss surgery among those struggling with obesity.

5.Hormonal Treatments

While this is not commonplace, small-sized trials have shown the efficacy of hormone treatments in those with obesity and type-2 diabetes. These hormones eliminate the need for significant and invasive surgeries.

However, research is still ongoing, and there is not much evidence supporting the treatment. So, large-scale studies and trials are needed to further verify and validate the treatment’s success.


The reality of obesity in the U.S is depressing but there is still hope. With the overexposure to processed and high-fat foods, the rampant and easy access to fast food, the chances for obesity to triumph is challenging. But, we must do what it takes to transform ourselves to become healthier and fitter.

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