In the earlier days of Call of Duty, teams were a lot less organized, and it was essentially every man for himself.
Whereas today you have a lot more set team players and positions. In the article, we’ll be detailing each role in a five-person team, what you need to succeed in that role, and example players for them.
Keep in mind that every team needs a leader or two who keeps the team focused and gets them all on the same page.
You also need players to do certain jobs such as holding angles, distracting, making calls, etc.
Each role is equally as important for the team to succeed.
Team leader
The role of being a team leader is self-explanatory, but what it means is that you are there to lead your team to success by keeping them focused and calm. You tell them what they need to do and how they need to play the map.
The team leader has to keep calm in any situation, think clearly, and have a very good sense of the map.
Good examples of leaders are – Scump – Apathy – Teepee – Nameless – Sharp.
The captain
I use the words “captain” and “team leader” very interchangeably.
The role of a captain is to do all the same things as a team leader essentially, but he also has to look out for his teammates and make sure they’re okay.
That’s why you must communicate with your other four players because if one player isn’t doing good, you need someone else who can take over that player’s job or at least try to help them get back on their feet.
Very good examples of captains are: – Slasher – Nameless – Scump – Mochila.
The player holding angles
A player who holds down certain spots on the map while others move up.
This role is pretty self-explanatory as well. This player gets land control and holds it, so the rest of the team doesn’t have to worry about keeping that area.
Holding also allows your team to get many kills from people coming through those paths.
You’ll know what spots on the map need players because you will check where all of your teammates are and then call out an area that needs a player or two.
You will want to play these positions by getting very comfortable there and ensuring every angle is covered for someone entering from behind you.
The player Distraction
Distraction is a role in which this person distracts the enemy team with grenades, flashbangs, etc. while allowing their team to kill them or move somewhere else.
A distraction’s job is to do damage to the enemy team but not necessarily get kills. They can use grenades and flashbangs to stun the other team, so they don’t see what the rest of their teammates are doing.
This role allows your whole team to move up on the map without getting picked off one by one because you’re drawing all of their attention away from you, allowing them to sneak behind them for easy kills.
More easy kills come with good aim, use these COD Vanguard Aimbots to improve their aim and win more gunfights for your team
Good examples of distractions are: – Apathy – Jkap – Nameless – StuDy (when he was good)
The player who makes calls
A player who makes calls tells their teammates where they should be playing on the map and what they should be doing.
The first call a person will make is usually “nades” because this tells everyone on their team to buy grenades next round.
This person also lets them know who has what gun so they can tell other players if it’s a great idea for them to get that gun or not.
This role will always go to the player with the best knowledge of all maps and how people need to play them to succeed. This specific role is for players who have experience and have a very good understanding of maps in general. You’ll usually hear this player calling out enemy positions all the time, which helps your whole team stay alive and play the map better.
Good examples of players who make calls: – Jkap – Nameless
Player that lurks
Such players want to stay hidden and look for people by themselves or with one other person while the rest of the team holds down certain areas on the map. You will hardly ever see this player unless he gets a pick, but it’s still important for him to be there doing damage when needed.
A good example of a lurking player is – Crimsix (on blackout) – Methodz (on blackout).
The player who goes for the objective
Going for the game objective is usually for the player who isn’t afraid to leave their teammates behind to get more kills by going for game objectives.
An example of this is that you will want someone on that team taking off the map trying to get some bombs planted before the game ends. This person must know when it’s time for them to go off because otherwise, it can be very bad for them and everyone else on their team if they leave too early.
Good examples of players who go after objectives are: – Crimsix (he goes HAM) – Ricky (he also goes) – Attach (goes after objectives)
The player who stays back and tries to keep everyone alive
This is a player who will always try to stay behind their teammates and make sure nobody dies. These don’t do too much damage, but they will be helping by not letting anyone get killed. The only time this person should go off on their own is if they have been left alone or need to kill the bomb carrier before the timer runs out.
Good examples of players who hang back are: – Saints (very good at staying alive) – Fears.
Hope you enjoyed reading it!
If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, feel free to comment below. Thanks