
Occupational Therapy Explained – What You Need To Know

Occupational Therapy Explained

Have you injured your back or neck at some point in time, or have an elderly loved one who has developed joint pain as a result of their rapidly deteriorating health? When something goes wrong with your body, it can affect your ability to do the things you love. When this happens, you may need help from an occupational therapist (OT).

OTs, help people recover from injuries, illness, and other health conditions. They also help people with everyday tasks, like bathing, dressing, and eating. If you want to know what occupational therapy is and how it can help, you’ve come to the right place. This blog post explains everything you need to know about occupational therapy.

Meaning of Occupational Therapy

It is a health profession that promotes health and quality of life through the therapies and medical interventions used in the context of occupation. The occupational therapist uses occupations to improve, maintain and maximize a person’s ability to perform everyday activities.

Occupational therapists often work in community health centres, hospitals or private clinics and may also work in schools, residential care facilities and the home environment. Occupational therapists are also known as occupational therapist assistants or occupational therapy assistants.

They help people with mental illness, physical disabilities, developmental delays, learning difficulties and chronic diseases. Their goal is to allow people to participate fully in their everyday lives by helping them develop and use their abilities to perform tasks in home, school or workplace settings.

Reasons for Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy can be an essential part of a treatment plan for many patients. Therapists help clients improve their functional abilities and quality of life by working on reaching goals such as daily self-care, functional mobility, and work performance. Here are some reasons for occupational therapy:

To Help People Learn the Skills of Daily Living

These therapists work with patients who need help mastering basic activities such as eating and dressing. They also work with children who may have learning disabilities or behavioural disorders that usually make it difficult for them to function at school or home. The goal of treatment is to give you the tools you need to do things independently without assistance from others, making it easier for you to live independently in your home.

It Increases Muscle Tone and Strength

Occupational therapists often use resistance bands during therapy sessions because they provide resistance without putting strain on joints or bones. This helps patients build muscles without placing pressure on damaged areas that could cause further injury or pain. These bands are also portable so that patients can take them home.

To Help People Participate in the Community

There are many ways that occupational therapists help people participate in their communities. For example:

Occupational therapy helps children with disabilities develop skills that enable them to participate in activities like playing with friends or participating in sports teams. This helps them feel more confident about themselves and be more accepted by others.

Occupational therapists also help adults with disabilities learn how to live independently and find employment opportunities that suit their abilities and interests so they can become productive members of society again.

To Help Compensate for Disabilities

People with physical or developmental disabilities may have trouble performing specific tasks required in everyday life. Occupational therapists can teach them strategies to do these tasks more efficiently or compensate them when they can’t do them at all. They can also help individuals with mental health concerns learn how to cope with their conditions so they won’t interfere with their daily living skills.

When Should Someone Consider Occupational Therapy?

You’ve probably seen occupational and physical therapists in films where they help patients who fall and break their wrists, but with all the other ways they can help you, you might wonder if it’s worth getting in touch with one. When does someone need occupational therapy? Here are a few points:

  • Occupational therapists work with people from all walks of life, including those with developmental disabilities; physical disabilities; cognitive, mental health and emotional problems; injury or illness; chronic pain; and aging issues.
  • Occupational therapists can help people who have had an injury, surgery or illness learn to manage their recovery process by focusing on how they can use their strengths to do things they enjoy instead of focusing on what they cannot do.
  • Occupational therapy is also an excellent choice for those interested in improving their lives through basic activities such as getting dressed or bathing.
  • These therapists can help individuals with disabilities learn new ways of doing things to still participate in everyday life despite their limitations and challenges.
  • They work closely with patients with permanent or temporary disabilities caused by various conditions such as stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease, brain injuries, Alzheimer’s disease and musculoskeletal disorders such as arthritis or fibromyalgia.


Occupational therapists use various techniques, including exercises and tools, to assist with daily life skills, sensory integration, speech and language, physical development and even psychological factors that can affect a person’s activities and participation in their daily routine.

One of the most exciting aspects of occupational therapy is that there is no cure for many of the ailments that are treated. Instead, occupational therapists will try to get you back to doing what you enjoy. It’s all about getting people back to being active community members and helping them feel like they have a purpose in life.

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